Archives of Eaton Bray News for April 2014.
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April 2014

Northall Road Burglary attempt

This article was published in April 2014. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Incident Type: Burglary Attempt.

Location: Northall Road, Eaton Bray.

Date and Time: Monday 21st April, between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Incident Details:
The offender has tried to force open the front door.
The frame has been damaged, but no entry was gained and no property has been taken.
Good quality doors and locks can prevent an offender entering your home.

Crime Reference: J D / 1 5 3 2 2 / 2014.

Crime Reduction Advice:
Keep Doors locked, even when you are in the house.
Double lock UPVC doors at all times.
Use timer switches on lights or a radio when you are out.
Keep hallways clear of valuables like vehicle keys, handbags and laptop where they may be seen.
Consider fitting security lighting or an alarm to deter offenders.
Report suspicious activity in neighbours gardens.

Eaton Bray Primary School, 1954

This article was published in April 2014. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Ron Evans has very kindly supplied the photo below of Miss Jackson's class at Eaton Bray Primary School in 1954.

Do you know the names of anyone in the photo? If you can help with more names, please leave them in the comments below or contact us directly.

Eaton Bray Primary School, Mrs Jackson's Class 1954
Eaton Bray Primary School, Miss Jackson's Class 1954
(Back) Miss Jackson, Alan Stock, ????, Colin Goodyear, Norma Mardell, ????, Ron Evans
(3rd row) Gerald Cook, Andrew Fountain, ????, Bruce Wiseman, Daryl Burrows, Rod Ashton, Susan ??, ?? Sliney
(2nd row) ????, Shirley Horn, Diane ??, ????, Brenda Bird, Rosie Clarke, Linda ??
(Front) Sandra ??, ?? Robson, Jimmy Isherwood(?), ????

Source: Ron Evans

Bedfordshire Police declare Rogue Trader Week Of Action A Success

This article was published in April 2014. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Bedfordshire PoliceBedfordshire Police has been taking action to target rogue traders as part of a week-long national enforcement and awareness initiative.

Rogue traders are individuals or groups of people who cold-call householders, often targeting vulnerable residents, claiming to be a bona fide business and purporting to offer services, most commonly buildings maintenance and repair. The offenders charge excessive fees for the work, yet the work that is carried out is either substandard or not carried out at all.

All last week Bedfordshire officers were joined by trading standards officials and partner agencies inn a wide range of work to disrupt the activity of rogue trading and to make communities aware of this type of crime.

DCI Juliette Everett who coordinated the week long initiative said: "Tackling rogue traders this week has been a priority; unscrupulous rogues and distraction burglars can have a devastating impact on people's lives, and their activities are often linked to a vast network of crime.  Partnership working is an integral part of tackling the scourge of rogue traders – work that is carried out relentlessly by numerous agencies throughout the year.  Initiatives like Operation Rogue Trader provide an important opportunity to raise awareness and to empower consumers to say no to cold-callers."

"Remember, doorstep crime is not only restricted to driveway work, gardening, roofing and guttering scams, these criminals will also make a telephone call first to make appointments to sell other products or services, including overpriced mobility aids, beds, alarm systems, solar panels and more."

  • Activity across Bedfordshire included PCSO's visiting local car boot sales with objective of targeting any potential rogue traders.
  • Visits by Central Beds Community Safety Partnership and officers visiting scrap dealers and vehicles containing scrap metal.
  • Bedford Borough Council Trading Standards targeting rogue builders and rogue car dealers.
  • ANPR units were deployed in north and central Bedfordshire to target vehicles carrying our gardening work or canvassing for such work. While on patrol the ANPR officers arrested three men on suspicion of theft of a large amount of meat from Sainsbury's in Biggleswade that had just been stolen.
  • Bedfordshire Police were in Biggleswade Market Square between 9am – 12 noon (April 10) providing information to businesses and residents to raise levels of awareness.
  • A further 64 homes were visited in The Baulk, Biggleswade with leaflets delivered along with "No Cold Calling" window stickers.
  • 75 residents in the villages of Northill and Ickwell, both of which had expressed concerns recently about the increase in thefts in the area were also visited. 

Simple steps to prevent becoming a victim of this type of crime include:

  • Don't sign on the spot – consider carefully whether you want the goods or services
  • Always shop around for the best price
  • Be wary of special offers or warnings about the state of your home
  • Don't hand over a cash deposit
  • Don't agree to a trader starting any work straight away
  • Do talk to someone you trust for a second opinion

"Offenders can be both plausible and intimidating in order to convince their victims to pay prices which are often well above what should normally be charged and certainly does not reflect the work that is carried out, if it is carried out at all," DCI Everett added.

If you have any suspicions at all about cold-callers or traders operating in your community, please call your police force on 101.

Source: Ringmaster, Bedfordshire

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

This article was published in April 2014. Please see Latest News for more recent information.




that due to the resignation of Brian Piggott, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.

If by 6 May 2014 (14 days excluding Dies Non, after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at the address below by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

If an election is called, it will take place not later than 9 July 2014.

Dated 11 April 2014

Brian Dunleavy

Brian Dunleavy
Deputy Returning Officer
Priory House
Monks Walk
SG17 5TQ 

Notice of European Parliamentary Election - 22 May 2014

This article was published in April 2014. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

European Parliamentary Election 22 May 2014
Notice of Election
Eastern Electoral Region


Notice is given that an election is to be held in the Eastern Electoral Region for seven members of the European Parliament.  If the election is contested the poll will be held on 22 May 2014 between 7am and 10pm.


Standing for election


Nomination papers may be obtained from the address below or from Delivery of all nomination papers and consents to nomination must be made in person to the address below and by the date shown.


Address to which to deliver nomination papers


Customer Services Centre, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1JE

Delivery allowed

Between 10am and 4pm on any working day from 10 April 2014 to 24 April 2014 (inclusive)


Deadline for the delivery of nomination papers


4pm on 24 April 2014



The deposit for each registered political party or individual candidate (£5,000) may be paid by cash or bankers draft (banks operating in the UK or Gibraltar only), by electronic payment into my account or by debit or credit card.


Applications for registration, postal and proxy voting


Applications to be included on the register of electors or for postal or proxy votes MUST reach the Electoral Registration Officer for the council area in which an elector resides (the list of addresses is available at by the dates below.


Application deadlines

Register to vote


6 May 2014

New postal vote (including proxies applying to vote by post)


5pm on 7 May 2014

To cancel or alter postal and proxy votes, or to change from postal to proxy voting


5pm on 7 May 2014

New proxy


5pm on 14 May 2014

Emergency proxy

  • on grounds of disability if the applicant becomes incapacitated after 5pm on 14 May 2014, or
  • if by reason of occupation, employment or service, or attendance at a training or educational course, the applicant cannot go to a polling station in person, and that commitment arises after 5pm on 14 May 2014


5pm on 22 May 2014


Dated: 9 April 2014
Steve Packham, Regional Returning Officer


Printed and published by
The Regional Returning Officer, Civic Centre, Duke Street, Chelmsford CM1 1JE

Burglaries - Medley Close/The Nurseries, Eaton Bray

This article was published in April 2014. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Incident Type: Burglaries,

Location: Eaton Bray.

Date and Time: Friday 4th April, between 9:00 a.m. and 3:20 p.m.

Incident Details:
Two burglaries have been reported in the area in this time.
The first took place in Medley Close, between 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
The offender has forced the front door.
A messy search took place.
Money and Jewellery have been taken.
The second took place in The Nurseries, between 10:30 a.m. and 3:20 p.m.
A french door at the rear of the house has been smashed.
A messy search took place.
A plasma TV and some jewellery have been taken.

Crime Reference: J D / 1 2 8 1 0 / 2014, and J D / 1 2 9 1 6 / 2014.

Crime Reduction Advice:
Keep Doors locked, even when you are in the house.
Double lock UPVC doors at all times.
Use timer switches on lights or a radio when you are out.
Keep hallways clear of valuables like vehicle keys, handbags and laptop where they may be seen.
Consider fitting security lighting or an alarm to deter offenders.
Report suspicious activity in neighbours gardens.