Minutes from the June 2009 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 1st June 2009.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 1st June 2009

Summary of Minutes - Monday 1st June 2009

Police Representative

The police went through the crime figures for the month. The police wish residents to be aware that now the summer months are here, longer daylight hours and better weather, there have been issues with groups of people congregating in areas within the parish; however they are monitoring the situation. With regards to nuisance motorcycles, this is an ongoing problem and they have been in contact with one offender and will keep monitoring this.

The police confirmed they will be in attendance at the Parish Council meeting in July; in addition the Police Inspector from Leighton Buzzard Rural and the Neighbourhood Watch Officer for the area will also be in attendance.

Cold Calling

There have been a number of issues with cold callers within the parish recently. It is important to know what to do when this happens.

  1. Put the chain on the door when answering as you do not know who is calling.
  2. Ask for the person�s name and the utility companies name/telephone number for whom they are representing. The person knocking on the door should provide this without a problem, if genuine.
  3. Inform the caller that you are just going to telephone the company to ensure that they are supposed to be in the area and doing what they say they are doing.
  4. Shut the door and make the phone call, if they are genuine they should still be at the door when you return.

If you are still unsure then contact the police and state what is happening, description of person and company they say they are working for.

Homewatch Areas In Eaton Bray

If you are interested in becoming a Homewatch Co-ordinator, please contact the Parish Clerk for more details.

Housing Needs For The Parish

The Parish Council looked at the statistics put together by the Clerk regarding the types of housing currently in the parish and due to the small number of responses received back from residents within the parish, the Parish Council believe that currently there is not a need/want for additional housing. However the Parish Council will review this on an annual basis.

Play Equipment

The new springs, to replace the old, worn out springs for the �springy animals� at the recreation ground are on order and will be fitted once received.

Damaged Village Gateway

The Clerk has now received a second quote for the work to the gateway. The Parish Council agreed to the insurer�s amount quoted to cover costs and also agreed to accept the second quote for the work. The Clerk will contact relevant parties accordingly to get this matter completed.

Next Council Meeting

Monday 6th July 2009, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.

The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.