Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 6th May 2009.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 6th May 2009
Summary of Minutes - Wednesday 6th May 2009
Election Of Councillors
Cllr Marriage was elected as Chairman of the Parish Council with all other Councillors agreeing to stand for this year.
Police Representative
The Police confirmed that they are holding two Coffee Morning/Surgery events in the area where everyone is welcome to go along to discuss Problems & Grievances and get General Advice including about Crime Prevention. The events will be held on Wednesday 20th May 2009, 10:00am-1:00pm at The Coffee Tavern, Eaton Bray and on Friday 22nd May 2009, 10:00am � 1:00pm at The Memorial Hall, Totternhoe. The police are happy to talk to Eaton Bray residents at the Totternhoe surgery as well as at the Eaton Bray surgery. Notices for these events have been placed on parish notices boards, local shops and the village website. The Police wished the Parish Council to be aware of problem motorbikes within the village and to reassure people that the police are keeping a close eye on this situation. There are issues within the parish of people parking along the High Street, at corners with other junctions (i.e. High Street - Church Lane/Wallace Drive); the police confirmed they are monitoring this situation.
Grass Verge Cutting Within The Parish
It was reported that the grass cutting by the Central Bedfordshire contractors is still not being done correctly and the Clerk confirmed she has written to Central Bedfordshire with the grass cutting issues, requesting the grass verges be cut again in accordance with the agreed specifications.
Bus Shelter
It was confirmed that the work to the bus shelter should commence within the next 2-3 months.
Dog Bins
The Parish Council have agreed to the location/position of the five new dog hygiene bins.
Homewatch Areas In Eaton Bray
If you are interested in becoming a Homewatch Co-ordinator, please contact the Parish Clerk for more details.
Accounts For Year Ending 31st March 2009
The Clerk distributed details of the accounts for the Annual Return. It was agreed to approve the annual accounts, the Chairman signed on behalf of the Parish Council.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 1st June 2009, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.