Minutes from the July 2009 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 6th July 2009.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 6th July 2009

Summary of Minutes - Monday 6th July 2009

Police Representative

Inspector Steve Barrett, from Leighton Buzzard Police, attended the meeting and wished to respond to residents’ concerns to lack of police presence in the parish; he believes that there are more police on the ‘ground’ than as previously and that they are in the process of improving this. Residents attending the meeting expressed their lack of confidence in the police and believe there is apathy by the police to the village; especially in situations where residents have contacted the police with an issue to have no response back at all. Many residents do not feel safe in the village, as they do not believe there to be enough police presence within the parish. Although it was noted that since the addition of PCSO Jo Glenn there have been more police presence than before, however it was felt not enough. Inspector Barrett wished to reassure residents that the village is important to them. He informed residents that Eaton Bray village has on average 10 (ten) incidents per month, calls are made to the police and are then graded as to importance. Each call to the police is taken on board and is dealt with accordingly.

The Parish Council expressed disappointment that, despite several calls/emails to contacts within the police, they have not heard from anyone with regards to the option of incorporating specials within the parish. Inspector Barrett said he would look into this further.

Neighbourhood Watch

Mr Brendan Murray, the neighbourhood watch officer for this area, attending the meeting and wanted to remind residents that this initiative is not run by the police but by the community; coming together to look at problems occurring within the area and try to resolve issues. ALL residents can join the Ringmaster service, a site which updates members on crimes within their area, as it is believed that by keeping everyone aware of what is happening within their area it helps people become more aware of issues and to keep an eye on where they live. This in turn supports the police as residents are more likely to contact the police if they then see anything suspicious.

It was recommended that a meeting be put together with neighbourhood watch and the police, to look at issues within the area and what residents would like to see. Inspector Barrett confirmed that the police are putting together a ‘Community Safety Forum’ for parishes to which the issues of neighbourhood watch/policing could be discussed in more detail. A date for this forum will be announced in due course.

Homewatch Areas In Eaton Bray

If you are interested in becoming a Homewatch Co-ordinator, please contact the Parish Clerk for more details.

Play Equipment

The new springs, to replace the old, worn out springs for the ‘springy animals’ have now been fitted and the equipment is back in use.

School Lane Recreation Ground Improvements

The Parish Council has been informed that funding from WREN for the proposed Skate & Ride project has been approved.

Damaged Village Gateway

The Clerk has finally received acceptance of liability from the insurance company concerned and will be receiving a cheque to cover the damage shortly. Once received contractors will be booked to commence work to repair the damaged gateway.

Next Council Meeting

Monday 7th September 2009, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.

The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.