Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 2nd February 2009.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 2nd February 2009
Summary of Minutes - Monday 2nd February 2009
Skatepark & Youth Meeting Point Working Group Report
Fourteen youngsters from the parish attended the Parish Council Meeting to demonstrate their interest in the proposed installation of a skatepark at School Lane Recreation Ground.
It was confirmed that the Public Consultation for the proposed skatepark would be taking place on Thursday 12th February next, 7:30pm at The Coffee Tavern. The Clerk confirmed flyers had been sent to all residents of Eaton Bray Parish, via FOCUS, and notices had been put on the parish notice boards, local shops and the Parish Council website.
A resident of the parish informed the Parish Council that she has been getting signatures from parishioners who support the proposed Skatepark & Youth Meeting Point and had been receiving a lot of positive feedback from parishioners who back the provision of a skatepark.
The Allotments
The recent allotment meeting was a great success, with 14 plot holders attending. The Parish Council thanked Cllr Hawkes for arranging the meeting and Cllr Brand and his wife for putting together a wonderful food spread.
The meeting helped allotment holders to put forward ideas to improve the allotments; one suggestion was putting together an Allotment Holders Group/Association. In view of this allotment holders are looking at holding another meeting in five weeks� time to organise their next steps and start the process of putting together the group.
The Parish Council agreed to the position of the additional water butts and is now looking into the costs/equipment required for these installations.
Bus Shelters
The Parish Council have agreed to repairs to two of the parish�s bus shelters, one at Three Corners and one at the Rye.
Donation To Focus
The Parish Council agreed to a small donation to Focus Magazine in recognition of the work they put in for the community and the Parish Council.
Annual Parish Meeting And The Annual Meeting Of The Parish Council
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th May 2009 and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on Wednesday 6th May 2009.
Vacancy For A Parish Councillor
Please come and help to run your village. Eaton Bray Parish Council is nine members of the public. We meet at the Parish Council Meeting in the Coffee Tavern on the 1st Monday of each month and spend on average around two hours each month advising and helping to run our village. At present we have one vacancy � will YOU come and join us? Interested, please contact the Parish Clerk. [See also Become a Parish Councillor]
Clerk Report
Burial Record Enquiries: The Parish Council has agreed that a charge should be incurred for those wishing to obtain information from the burial records archive. A great deal of time is taken with the retrieving/recording of such information and charges should be made for this service. There will be an initial search fee of £10, with more detailed searches costing an additional £15.
Horse riding within the parish: Due to a number of complaints, the Parish Council wished to remind all horse riders/owners that there is no bridleway on the land at School Lane Recreation Ground and the land at Mill End Close; and the riding of horses/ponies there is prohibited.
The Parish Council Website is now increasing in popularity, especially with the new additions to the site; including the new Forum section on the Eaton Bray Website in which there is a section for the Parish Council.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 2nd March 2009, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.
The Clerk requests items for the next Agenda by Tuesday 17th February 2009.
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.