Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 5th January 2009.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 5th January 2009
Summary of Minutes - Monday 5th January 2009
Public Open Forum
Representatives from the newly formed Eaton Bray Under Fives Play Time Group, Cheeky Monkeys (Wednesday afternoons, 1:00pm to 2:45pm at Eaton Bray Village Hall) applied to the Parish Council for a grant/donation for their group. The group wished to purchase new toys and to cover the initial rental/insurance set-up costs. The Parish Council confirmed that they do consider grants/donations to local voluntary or charitable groups if the work of the group should benefit some or all of the residents of the Parish of Eaton Bray. The Parish Council agreed to a donation.
Policing Within The Parish
PC Viv Dady and Sergeant Glennister (5289) attended the meeting. PC Dady wished to correct an error in a letter written by a resident, printed in Focus, presenting crime figures for the parish as provided under the Freedom of Information Act. The crime figures reported included 35 domestic incidents (not classed as crime), many relating to low level arguments. Therefore the detection rate should have been 16% not 5% as indicated – Eaton Bray being an area low in crime. The police are currently on target to reduce crime levels from last year. The Parish Council informed PC Dady that they were very pleased to see PCSO Glen walking around the village recently, a number of parishioners have approached Councillors pleased to see a police presence within the parish.The Parish Council was also informed of a new link on the Leighton Buzzard Police Rural website where people can look at a crime map and obtain crime figures for an area.
PC Dady wanted the Parish Council to make parishioners aware of a scam, using the digital TV changeover as a means for distraction burglaries. More details of this can be viewed on the Parish Council Website, under Neighbourhood Policing (Community Safety Update, January 2009).
Adoption Of The Parish Council’s Publication Scheme
Clerk Report
Village Gateways: The Insurance Company have confirmed receipt of our letter/s and quotation for the work and we are expecting to hear a decision from them by the end of the month.
The Nurseries Road Markings: The order for the road markings was placed with South Beds District Council Highways on 22nd September 2008 and the contractors have again been contacted regarding the delay.
Information From Parishioners
Housing Needs Questionnaire: The Parish Council have currently only received a small number of responses back. Opinions from residents are appreciated by the Parish Council who is trying to ascertain the housing needs of the parish. Blank forms are available from the Parish Council’s Website, under Business Matters and are printed in the December/January 2009 Focus, page 73.
Your Neighbourhood Priorities Form: The Safer Neighbourhood Team is still looking at finding out the policing needs of the parish and would appreciate comments from residents. Blank forms are available from the Parish Council Website, under Neighbourhood Policing and are printed in the October 2008 Focus, page 27.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 2nd February 2009, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.
The Clerk requests items for the next Agenda by Tuesday 20th January 2009.
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.