Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 2nd March 2009.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 2nd March 2009
Summary of Minutes - Monday 2nd March 2009
Proposed Skateboarding Area
A number of residents addressed the Parish Council with their concerns for the proposed Skateboarding area at School Lane Recreation Ground. The Parish Council informed those present that as part of their investigations they had been in contact with a number of Parish/Town Council�s within the Herts, Beds and Bucks area to gauge their opinion on the skatepark installed in their area. The feedback from these councils was very positive all stating that the skatepark had improved their area, there was no increase in anti-social behaviour and were all well used and enjoyed by all.
Another resident, who agrees with the project, expressed their concern with a circular received through the door from an unknown sender listing a number of reasons why a skatepark should not be built. The resident was concerned that this gave the wrong impression of the proposal and that it was not entirely accurate. They also believed the circular to be unjust in that it asked those who were happy with the skatepark not to write to the Parish Council whilst those who opposed to the proposed build do so. Both parties, whether for or against this proposal, have the right to write to the council with their opinion.
If parishioners would like to see a working skateboarding area, then they could visit Stevenage where a similar structure has been built, although it is much larger than the one proposed in the village.
Police Representative
PC Viv Dady addressed the meeting and informed the Parish Council that she is getting another PCSO to support her, meaning that PCSO Joanne Glenn will solely be responsible for Eaton Bray and Totternhoe. It was again reiterated the importance for all members of the public to report anything they see (crime/suspicious) by contacting the local police; all contact numbers are listed in the FOCUS magazine and Parish Website. A concern that many people have, and therefore are reticent in contacting the police, is that if they witness a crime or see something suspicious, by reporting it their name will be given out. PC Dady confirmed that all callers� names are confidential.
Homewatch Areas In Eaton Bray
After an approach by Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators in the area, the Parish Council agreed with their observations that there is a need for more Homewatch areas within the Parish. Homewatch is also fully supported by the local police. If you are interested in becoming a Homewatch Co-ordinator, then please contact the Parish Clerk for more details.
Mill End Close/Conservation Area Report
A great deal of work has been going on in Mill End Close in the Conservation Area. Members of the Parish Council and a group of volunteers have worked extremely hard in improving the area and the results are excellent. There is more work to be done but the Parish Council wanted to thank all the members of the Working Group/volunteers for all their hard work, time and commitment they have been putting into this project.
Parish Council Website
The Parish Council Website is an excellent way to find out what is happening in your parish. There is a Neighbourhood Policing section which includes information supplied by the local police. You can find out more details regarding the Skateboarding project. A full copy of the minutes of Parish Council Meetings can be obtained from the site. The Agenda for the monthly Parish Council Meeting is available from the website 1 week prior to the meeting. There is a Forum page where you can chat and have your opinion on items that concern/please you. And so much more...
Please visit the site; it�s a way to find out what is happening in your area!
Next Council Meeting
Monday 6th April 2009, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.