Eaton Bray Millenium Book - Pages 30



Peter and Mary Mayne

Peter Mayne was born a few miles away in Leagrave. After leaving school Peter became an apprentice carpenter and joiner. He turned freelance in 1958 and found himself working in Eaton Bray in 1959 when Medley Close was built. He married Mary in 1960. Their three children, Andrew, Daniel and Victoria were brought up here. Peter was the Cub Scout leader for a number of years. He is well known for his illustrated lectures on Eaton Bray and has worked as Chief Engineer for a large Hotel group for 30 years.

Mary was born in Scotland and is one of twins. She spent her early childhood in Yorkshire and Scotland and moved to Luton in 1947. Mary left school to work at George Kents until her marriage to Peter in 1960. Mary is better known these days for her expertise in patchwork and quilting. She planned and oversaw the making of the Bedfordshire Millennium Quilt now hanging at Shuttleworth. She teaches internationally and writes for quilting publications.



Meg and Alf Hall

Alf is by birth a Man of Kent and by profession a chartered electrical engineer. As a child during the war, he was evacuated to a coal-mining village in South Wales, where he first met Megan.

He served as a soldier, worked in industry, became a civil servant and finally, a lecturer before retirement.

Meg and Alf came to Eaton Bray in 1961, where they had Candy and the following year completed their family with the arrival of Stephen. Both Meg and Alf have played active roles in village community life; Alf once served as a Parish Councillor for eight years, Meg as a voluntary helper with the village playgroup in its earliest years and later became editor of ‘Focus' magazine. She has been a member of the Luton Writers Circle for fifteen years and a one-time chairman of that organisation. Alf is currently a member of the village school board of governors.

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