Eaton Bray Parish Council
Minutes of 1st July 2013
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 1st July 2013.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
These are draft minutes subject to ratification at the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 2 September 2013.
Download Full Minutes for Parish Council meeting of 1st July 2013.
Summary of Minutes - 1st July 2013
Central Beds Council (CBC)
- Illegal Raves: Bedfordshire Police wished to remind all residents to help them prevent illegal raves by calling the non-emergency number 101 or texting 07786 200011.
- Moor End: Cllr. Mustoe has been speaking with CBC Highways regarding the poor state of this road and requesting the pot holes be repaired.
Bedfordshire Police
There have been 4 recorded crimes for May: 3x violence against a person, 1x domestic burglary. In addition there have been 14 reported incidents of anti-social behavior (ASB): 1x transport, 4x anti-social, 9x public safety/welfare. A domestic burglary occurred on Wednesday 19 June during the afternoon. Three offenders set off a house alarm at a property in Wallace Drive at approx. 2:40pm. A witness heard the alarm and saw one male open a window to the location and enter the property, while two other males stayed with the vehicle. The witness then shouted out and confronted the males and was slapped (causing no injury). All three offenders then made off in a black Mercedes AMG displaying stolen plate KM62 0PF. No items were stolen from the location. Enquiries are still ongoing; one arrest has been made but released with no further action. The Police do now have a named offender who is currently wanted on the Police nation computer for this burglary.
Parish Byelaws
The two signed/sealed copies of the Byelaws are with the Department for Communities and Local Government for final consent.
Affordable Housing
Suggestions for land for development of affordable housing were put forward by the Grand Union Housing Group. A copy of these proposals is shown below. The council would like to gauge residents opinions on these sites, however it is important to note that the Parish Council is not endorsing these locations they are just recommended sites put forwarded by Grand Union and no decision as yet has been made. Please email/write to the Parish Clerk with your comments by end October 2013.
Public Footpath
CBC have received a complaint from the farmer of the field at the end of Church Lane that residents are walking all around his field rather than only walking along the public footpath which goes through the kissing gate and left. The Parish Council ask that residents be aware of this matter and take care when walking in this area.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 2nd September 2013, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.