Eaton Bray Parish Council
Minutes of 3rd June 2013
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 3rd June 2013.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for Parish Council meeting of 3rd June 2013.
Summary of Minutes - 3rd June 2013
Central Beds Council (CBC)
- Gypsy & Traveller Local Plan: The plan and supporting documents are available on CBC website. Comments can be submitted and instructions on how to give feedback are available on the website.
- Holidays during school term time: CBC wished to reiterate that parents do not have a legal right to take their children out of school to go on holiday. Schools do have the discretion to authorise absence for a family holiday providing there are special circumstances and the request is made in advance by the parent with whom the child normally lives. Visit CBC's website for more information on the law and FAQs.
- Spot it! Stop it! If you think it might be a scam � report it. Residents who have received a call, �phishing' email, letter or visit and think it might be a scam are being urged to report it to Trading Standards via Citizens Advice on 08454 040506. If you have recently fallen victim to a scam call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. Residents can sign up for Scam Alerts, please visit the CBC website and go onto the Scam Alert pages for more details.
- Illegal Raves: Bedfordshire Police want residents to help them prevent illegal raves by calling the non-emergency number 101 or texting 07786 200011.
Bedfordshire Police
There have been 7 reported crimes for May: 1x violence against a person, 1x sexual offence, 1x domestic burglary, 1x vehicle crime, 1x theft, 2x criminal damage. In addition there have been 18 reported incidents of anti-social behavior (ASB): 1x transport, 6x anti-social, 11x public safety/welfare. It was noted that 4 out of the 6 ASB's during May are in relation to issues at the car park area in School Lane. On 4 different dates during May residents have reported a number of vehicles parked at the location playing loud music. Officers have attended the area on each occasion but have found the car park empty. The local policing team is paying close attention to this area during the summer months.
Parish Byelaws
The notice of the council's intention to apply for confirmation of the Byelaws was advertised in the local paper (Leighton Buzzard Observer) and has completed the one month's notice of publication. The signed/sealed copy of the Byelaws is now being forwarded to the Department for Communities and Local Government for final consent.
Speed Reduction Stickers - School Lane Residents
To create more awareness of the new 20MPH limit in School Lane, the Parish Council is offering to School Lane residents the option of having a 20MPH sticker that can be adhered to their council bins. If you (School Lane resident) would like one of these stickers, please contact the Clerk (by 23 August 2013) stating your interest.
Litter Bin
The council have agreed to the removal of the old bin at the bus stop in Moor End and to a replacement bin.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 1st July 2013, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.