Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 3rd September 2007.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 3rd September 2007
Summary of Minutes - Monday 3rd September 2007
Public forum
Asked why the proposed flagpole has not been erected, the council explained that searches were being made with the utility companies to ensure no underground services would be disrupted.
Residents of Mill End Close reported that there are problems with dead trees adjacent to the ransom strip to the rear of their properties, and that the hedge had been allowed to grow tall. The council was asked who is liable for any damage caused by falling trees.
In response, it was explained that the hedgerow and trees are on the adjoining property and thought to be the responsibility of the landowner. The council will check to find out whether the hedge is "shared", if it is, the council can reduce the height of the trees.
The chairman asked for any fallen trees or branches to be reported to the council so that arrangements can be made to clear them.
Following a report of trees causing problems adjacent to the church, it was explained that the council is awaiting a quote from the contractor.
A comment was made about the Registered Keyholder scheme introduced by SBDC, and the high level of local opposition to the way it is being handled. The GP committee was asked to report on this.
Chairman's comments & correspondence
The following items have been received.
- A letter of resignation from the clerk. The Chairman reported that a new clerk has been appointed. A handover of responsibility would take place over the next week.
- A letter from Victim Support Bedfordshire thanking the council for it's donation of £50.
- A letter from The Eaton Bray Flood Group reporting that following a site survey, some improvements have been made and more promised to alleviate future flooding problems, and thanking the parish council for it's support, in particular Cllr Windmill, Cllr Brand and also County Councillor Brian Piggott.
- A letter of thanks from St Mary's Village Carnival Committee for the council's support of the carnival, with the news that a record £11,000 had been raised for local good causes.
- There has been no response to the advertisements for a Youth Club Leader.
- The GP committee was asked to research noticeboards to display summaries of the byelaws at various positions around the village.
- The chairman asked members of the public to leave the hall to allow the council to hear a letter received from Mr. Summers.
The Chairman read the letter to the council and after discussion it was decided that the council could not take any action.
Signing of Minutes
After the addition to the end of item 14 on page 1174 of:
Cllr Marriage requested that SBDC and Beds.C.C. send copies of publications to EBPC via the clerk, it was agreed to accept the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 2nd July 2007.
Police representation
There were 15 reported crimes in July, and 8 in August.
Acceptable behaviour contracts are being used in an attempt to reduce antisocial behaviour in the village.
The new mobile telephone number for PC Viv Dady is : 0790 0051367
PCSO Josh Tonkin reported that he had been active offering security advice to neighbouring residents following a local burglary.
Holman's Field Goalposts
Mr. Lancefield, Chairman of EB Lions AFC, addressed the council and gave a report of the condition of the goalposts at Holman's field. During maintenance it had been found that the posts are badly corroded, and need replacing.
Mr. Lancefield explained that this would be an opportunity to install posts that meet current safety guidelines. The council was given information about a grant scheme and asked to consider giving financial assistance to meet the cost of buying and installing new posts.
The GP committee was asked to consider the request and make recommendations at the next meeting.
A report on the condition and upkeep of individual allotments showed several to be seriously neglected, in breach of rental agreements. Proposals to improve the situation are to be considered further.
It was agreed unanimously to maintain the current level of rent for the 2007/08 year.
i.e. £5.00 per annum per plot.
The following planning applications were considered:
- SB-TP-07-0896: Moat Hall, Moor End
No objection - SB-TP-07-0953: 64 Wallace Drive
Objection due to overdevelopment, destruction of trees, overstretched drainage.
The parish council is informed that there is a private sewer serving Wallace Drive. - SB-TP/07/0962: Icknield Way Farm, Tring Rd.
No objection - SB-TP-07-0950: 44 Wallace Drive
No objection - SB-TP-07-0848: 70 High Street, Eaton Bray
No objection to extension to the house. Proposed new building in replacement of existing garage is too large and possibly too intrusive to neighbouring dwellings.
Payment of August accounts
It was agreed unan. to pay the August accounts.
Next agenda
- Cemetery
- Allotments
- Village signpost
- Play equipment – School Lane
- Annual monitoring
Items for the September agenda to be requested no later than Fri.21st. Sept.'07
The meeting closed at 22.35
Next Council Meeting
Monday 1st October 2007, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.