Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 2nd July 2007.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 2nd July 2007
Summary of Minutes - Monday 2nd July 2007
Public forum
Comments received about damaged fencing and lack of signs at the conservation area adjacent to Mill End Close. The chairman assured the meeting that this was not being ignored and that he and the clerk are in the process of arranging the work to be done.
Chairman’s comments & correspondence
The following items have been received
- Two letters from residents commenting on vandalism and litter in Bower Lane cemetery.
- Information from SBDC advising the PC that it is unlikely that the metal bottle bank bins would be replaced as suitable alternatives were unavailable, but roadside glass collections may commence in the autumn.
- A letter from Victim Support Bedfordshire asking for support. It was agreed to donate £50.
- A copy of a letter to from Bedford Group of Drainage Boards in response to problems with flooding.
- A consultation document from Beds.County Council Community Safety Team.
- A reply from the Bedfordshire Chief Constable in response to the Chairman’s letter.
Signing of Minutes
It was agreed to accept the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 4th June 2007.
District & County Representatives
District Cllr Janes reported that the Ministry for Local Government is due to make a decision on Unitary Authority for Bedfordshire, on 25th July.
There has been a special planning meeting to discuss outline planning for the expansion areas of Leighton Buzzard, there will be a further meeting before decisions are reached.
County Cllr Piggott informed the PC that he is seeking suggestions for bids from voluntary organisations in Eaton Bray for small grants from the County Councillor Funding budget.
Report of Special Planning Meeting
Cllr Heyland reported that the appeal started in April has been suspended awaiting further information and consultation and will recommence in July 2007.
Cllr Brand commented that Eaton Bray was shown as an area of possible expansion on a recently published map showing planning proposals. Cllr Janes responded that his understanding of the situation is that there is currently no plan to expand the village, only infill development. In addition to the proposed development areas South of Leighton Buzzard, the proposed by-pass link to the M1 would create a possible corridor for future development.
County Cllr Piggott commented that the recent publications are consultation documents, a number of different suggestions are being considered for the area and it is important that opinions are voiced.
Flood committee report
Cllr Windmill reported a productive meeting in which the history of the problems was discussed. It is hoped to organise a meeting with all the relevant agencies.
Annual statement of accounts
The clerk read the Annual governance statements from the Annual Return. It was agreed to approve the return, the Chairman signed on behalf of the council.
Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS)
Cllr Marriage reported that the PC has received confirmation of funding.
The Chairman expressed the council’s thanks to Cllr Marriage and County Cllr Piggott for their work in support of this project.
- SB-TP-07-0672: Land at Dyers Road, Eaton Bray
Conversion of existing stables into residential dwelling including change of use.
The Parish Council unanimously agreed to oppose the proposal. - SB-TP-07-0668: 25 Church Lane, Eaton Bray
Single storey side extension and conservatory.
The Parish Council has no objection to this proposal.
Clerk’s appraisal
The council agreed to promote the clerk to the next point of the pay scale, i.e. SCP19.
Payment of June 07 accounts
It was agreed to pay the June accounts.
Next agenda
Items for the September agenda to be requested no later than Friday 24th August 2007.
The meeting closed at 22.10
Next Council Meeting
Monday 3rd September 2007, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.