Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 4th June 2007.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 4th June 2007
Summary of Minutes - Monday 4th June 2007
Public forum
A number of residents gave accounts of their problems with recent flooding and appealed for the support of the Parish Council. Cllr. Windmill offered to chair a group of residents to present a united voice to make a claim for urgent action to be taken by the authorities.
Residents of Mill End Close expressed their concern regarding vandalism in the Conservation Area, and gave a letter with details of the damage to the council.
Traffic Management
Mr. Robinson, Traffic & Highways Consultant from Amey (Beds.CC Highways), addressed the meeting. He has been asked to look at the issue of heavy freight vehicles using roads through the area.
The use of local roads by training vehicles has been identified as a key issue although it is accepted that these are not the only cause of concern. Mr. Robinson�s suggestion is to approach the Driving Standards Agency and request that three new approved test routes be added to the two existing, to spread the load.
Mr. Robinson was asked to enquire about the procedure for introducing a Traffic Regulation Order to restrict use of local roads by vehicle weight and/or length, and report back to the council.
Chairman�s comments & correspondence
A letter from Eaton Bray Lower School asking the council to consider contributing financially to the proposed nursery building.
The council felt unable to make a commitment at this time but would be prepared to consider this again, in more detail, at a later date.
A letter from Eaton Bray Lions football club giving a report of the club�s activities and thanks for continued support.
A local resident addressed the council and gave an account of his and his neighbours� experiences earlier in the day when they suffered verbal and physical intimidation from a group of men, on their own property. The council expressed its concern. Cllr Marriage proposed that the Chairman writes to the Chief Constable to ask what was being done regarding these serious matters.
Police representative
PC Dady joined the meeting and gave recent crime figures. In May there were:
- 2 Burglaries to dwellings,
- 4 Burglaries to other buildings,
- 2 Criminal damage � other,
- 1 Criminal damage � motor vehicle,
- 1 theft from person,
- 2 theft � other,
- 2 theft of motor vehicle,
- 1 Other misc offence.
Speed gun training has now been given and officers will be operating in the area.
PC Dady asked that the council help raise awareness of the problem of bogus callers and what it means to be a �No cold calling� area. All suspicious callers should be reported.
The public are asked to be vigilant at all times and to report anything that causes concern, to help the police tackle anti-social and criminal behaviour.
GP Committee Report
Police Contact Details Flyer
Suggestions for the design of the flyer were shown, it was agreed to add the advice to request a Unique Reference Number (URN) when reporting an incident.
It was agreed to print 1,500 flyers, to be distributed with the Focus and on the carnival stall.
An area thought suitable for the skateboarding facilities has been identified in School Lane rec.
Cemetery path
The clerk presented three tenders for the work of laying a new cemetery path and resurfacing an existing path.
It was agreed to accept the tender from G & J Groundwork of Dunstable.
Code of Conduct
It was resolved that the council adopts the Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 No. 1159. Model Code of Conduct for Parish and Town Councils and to include paragraph 12(2).
Finance Committee report � Annual accounts
The Chairman explained the proposal to grant an interest free loan of £6,000 to the Coffee Tavern Trust, to be repaid at a rate of £200 per month over 30 months commencing September 2007.
The clerk advised the council that arrangements had been made for the internal auditor to examine the accounts in preparation for the completion of the Annual Return, which will be presented for approval at the next meeting.
Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS)
Cllr Marriage explained that the type of equipment had been chosen and details of installation largely agreed. The received advice is that these systems could be operational in the autumn.
Cllr Marriage proposed that Eaton Bray Parish Council purchases two VAS systems, one to be sited on Bower Lane at Three Corners, and one to be sited on Totternhoe Road opposite the Methodist Chapel in the Orchards area, to be ordered subject to funding being available.
Carried with two abstentions.
The following applications were considered:
- SB-TP-07-0538: 6 The Gables, Green Lane
Two storey rear extension & garage first floor extension. - SB-TP-07-0468: 8 The Nurseries
Single storey side extension. - SB-TP-07-0527: Havington House, 2 Richmond Court.
Ground floor side extension & garden wall. - SB-TP-07-0618: 43 Church Lane
Ground floor extension.
There were no objections to these applications.
The meeting closed at 22.25
Next Council Meeting
Monday 2nd July 2007, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.