Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 2nd October 2006.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 2nd October 2006
Summary of Minutes - Monday 2nd October 2006
Chairman�s correspondence
Following a request from the Village Hall Committee for additional Parish Council representation, Cllr. Windmill offered to join Cllr. Marriage on the committee.
Public Forum
Concern expressed that there isn�t much for teenagers / young people to do in the village. The council was reminded that the youth club was now open for an additional night each week. There has been poor response to invitations to consultations in the past. The chairman asked that the young people be encouraged to come along to the youth club and to be willing to share their thoughts and ideas.
Crime Statistics
The following crimes reported for September: 10 vehicles damaged, 1 theft from motor vehicle, 2 cases of violence against the person, 1 fraud.
Two people had received home visits relating to antisocial behaviour.
Anybody witnessing antisocial behaviour is encouraged to inform the police, it is often the only way to build a picture of the problem. This information can be given confidentially.
New Parish Councillor
Mr. Philip Gallagher was introduced to the council and offered to serve as Parish Councillor.
Following a unanimous vote, Mr. Gallagher was co-opted onto the Parish Council. One vacancy remains, any person wishing to be considered to serve as Parish Councillor should contact the Clerk at the address below.
Youth Club Report
The council was informed by the Chairman, as Treasurer of the Youth Club, that due to additional funding being made available, the Youth Club is not seeking an increase to the financial support from the Parish Council for next year.
Sports & Social Club report
The Council heard that work to the fabric of the club is on schedule, phase one is now complete and work from phase three has been carried out following an environmental health inspection. The Council was asked to approve changes to the work schedule, altering the order of work. These changes were approved.
An account of income and expenditure was given, the accounts are in good order and a full set of accounts will be presented at the end of the financial year, April 2007.
Traffic Calming
The GP committee is managing this item. A small team of Councillors and members of the public has met and will continue to work together to gather information and recommend a course of action.
Traffic monitoring will be carried out in the very near future to gain current data of traffic volume and speed.
Any resident of Eaton Bray is welcomed to attend the General Purposes Committee meetings, held on the Second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in The Coffee Tavern.
New Byelaws
Notices concerning the proposed changes to the Byelaws were in place on Parish Council notice boards, on the Parish Council website, and in Focus magazine.
Link Magazine
A new edition of Link is being prepared, the Council agreed to support this with a donation towards costs.
School Council meets Parish Council
This popular exercise will be held again this year, on the 19th. October at 12.45 in The Coffee Tavern.
There one vacancy for a Parish Councillor in Eaton Bray. Anyone over the age of 21, who has lived or worked in the village for a year or more is welcomed to apply to be co-opted onto the Council. If you are interested please write to The Parish Clerk, 8 Gardners Close, Dunstable, Beds. LU6 2AJ.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 6th November 2006, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.