Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 6th November 2006.
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Summary of Minutes - Monday 6th November 2006
Public Forum
Mr. S. Willis addressed the council and expressed the concern and frustration he his neighbours in Medley Close felt regarding the District Council Planning committee�s response to their objections to a planning application for land adjacent to Bower Lane. He has received no explanation from District Council why a cartographical error omitting the land from the green belt has not been corrected. The clerk to write to the District Council in support of Mr. Willis and his neighbours.
PC Josh Tonkin advised the council that PC Viv Dade (5602) has been appointed as Beat Manager.
There were 16 offences reported in October; 6 criminal damage; 1 theft of a motor vehicle; 2 thefts from motor vehicles; 1 violence against the person; 1 other burglary; 3 thefts; and 2 cases of fraud.
Contact details were given for anyone interested in setting up Homewatch groups, they should contact Brendan Murray on 01582 473440.
Chairman's Correspondence & Comments
£75 will be donated to The Royal British Legion in respect of Wreaths for Remembrance Sunday.
The Chairman gave a report on the Parish Council meets the School Council meeting, held on 19th October 2006. The meeting was well attended with 12 children present. The Chairman thanked Cllrs. Heyland, Conner, and Brand for their support, and the children for their interest.
One of the issues raised concerned the rubbish in the School Lane Rec., and the G.P. committee was asked to explore the suggestion of an additional litter bin for this location.
A letter from Chris North and friends, asking the Council to consider facilities for skateboarding. G.P. committee was asked to follow this up.
Co-option of New Parish Councillor
The Chairman explained that advice had been sought to ascertain the correct procedure for voting to co-opt to fill a casual vacancy on the Council.
Six written applications had been received, the councillors were asked to consider these and cast one vote. It was explained that an overall majority of those present and voting was required for a candidate to be successful.
Ballot papers were distributed and councillors cast their vote. It was subsequently reported that it was a unanimous decision.
Mrs. Maria Crace of Church Farm is to be invited to attend the next meeting.
G.P. Report
R. Ouzel bridge
Temporary panels are now in place over the R. Ouzel bridge at Mill End Close.
Quotes are coming in for fencing work.
Vegetation: Cllr. Brand has agreed to manage this, the P3 team may become involved.
Vermin: SBDC pest control department to be contacted.
Traffic Management
Cllr Beal reported that an evaluation survey had been carried out by SBDC, this found there was no requirement for a school crossing patrol. This is to be investigated further.
Traffic speed monitoring has been completed at two locations, a third will follow.
A report of the activities of the committee regarding traffic management will be displayed around the village and published in Focus magazine.
Funding: One possible source is the County Partnership, and it was proposed by Cllr Beal, agreed unanimously, that an application for funding should be submitted without delay.
The proposed changes to the allotment regulations were explained and agreed unanimously. The allotment holders are to be notified of the new regulations.
It was recognised that the plots are not currently marked out. An effective way of doing this is to be found and implemented as soon as possible.
Cllr Conner reported that 20 kg. of bulbs have now been planted, and that the site is looking better.
The Clerk is to attend a burial ground management course, and will work with Cllr Conner to gather existing documentation with the intention of reviewing policy and regulations relating to the cemetery.
Condition of Roads
Councillors were reminded that they have a responsibility to monitor the village, including the condition of the roads. Any concerns should be reported through the Clerk to the relevant authority.
Other Matters Arising From October Meeting
Repairs to Coffee Tavern chimney and flashing: The Clerk reported that Alan Barnard has now carried out his inspection and given a verbal report. It is necessary to repoint the chimney above the roofline and re-seat the chimney pots and seal them.
Cllr Brand left the room for the first item, for which he had declared an interest.
SB-TP-06 11/5: 19A Mill End Close.
Erection of an amateur radio mast and aerials.
No material objection. With the comment that the District Council considers the lowest maximum operating height.
SB-TP-06-1169: 4 The Chequers.
Single storey conservatory to rear.
No material objection to this application.
SB-TP-06-1110: Harling House, Harling Road.
The Parish Council objects to this due to overdevelopment.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 4th December 2006, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.