Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 4th September 2006.
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Download Full Minutes for 4th September 2006
Summary of Minutes - Monday 4th September 2006
Chairman's correspondence
A letter of resignation has been received from Cllr. L. Tribbick. The Council expressed sadness at the news and commended the hard work and support that Cllr. Tribbick has offered in the past.
Crime Statistics
There were 22 reported offences in August; 12 vehicles damaged, 5 Thefts from motor vehicles, 1 Other theft, 4 Other burglaries.
There is currently a dispersal order in force on the village, in an attempt to control nuisance and antisocial behaviour.
The forthcoming alcohol ban covering the High Street was also noted, signs are already in place.
Following comments about the state of the allotment sites, it is proposed to review policy concerning their upkeep and the rules and conditions governing their use.
N.B. Rents for 2006/07 are due on 1st.October.
School Governor
A unanimous vote confirmed that Cllr. M.Heyland would continue as Community School Governor of Eaton Bray Lower School.
Chilterns AONB Grant � Village Signpost
The Council has received confirmation of a grant towards this project from The Chilterns AONB, further support is to be sought locally.
Traffic Calming
It was decided that the General Purposes Committee would organise the Council's response to this ongoing item to try and make some progress. A proposal to gather up to date statistics using automatic sensors was welcomed and the G.P. committee was asked to obtain details and quotes for this.
New Byelaws
Changes to existing byelaws must be advertised for 12 weeks. It was decided to use "Focus" for this, and also to display notices around the village.
Coffee Tavern
There was a unanimous decision to go ahead with the exterior redecoration and repairs to the chimney flashing. Interior work will now be postponed until next year due to costs.
After consulting with local letting agents, the Clerk is to prepare a detailed report and schedule for refurbishing the cottage adjacent to the Coffee Tavern with a view to re-letting it.
It was reported that ground maintenance work was now up to date, and the new area has been cleared and fenced.
All cemetery management matters are to be reviewed for discussion at the October meeting to establish policy for the future.
There are two vacancies for Parish Councillors in Eaton Bray. Anyone over the age of 21, who has lived or worked in the village for a year or more is welcomed to apply to be co-opted onto the Council. If you are interested please write to The Parish Clerk, 8 Gardners Close, Dunstable, Beds. LU6 2AJ.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 2nd October 2006, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.