Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 3rd April 2006.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 3rd April 2006
Summary of Minutes - Monday 3rd April 2006
Northall Road Fly Tipping
County Councillor Piggott reported that a date for a meeting is in place with the site manager and Beds CC to which a residents and PC representative would be invited.
Hopefully this is working towards a solution to the problem.
Speeding Traffic
Details have been received from Beds Highways re: the Visually Activated Signs. These cost around �6,000 and in other areas have only been a deterrent for a short period.
In hard terms a physical barrier seems the only solution. All Councillors were asked for their individual views.
It was concluded that nothing which the PC had spent considerable sums of money on had made a difference.
Villagers are asked to attend the open forum of July�s meeting to put forward their recommendations, or to contact the Clerk.
Parish Council Byelaws
The change to the Parish Council Byelaws has to be inserted in local newspapers; it was unanimously decided to go ahead.
Tennis Club Security Camera
The security camera placed on the Tennis Clubhouse has been vandalised beyond repair. On the advice of the Community Police Officer this was replaced as a matter of urgency as several more acts of vandalism had taken place in School Lane Recreation Ground.
Meads Bus Shelter
This bus shelter has deteriorated of late and a quote has been received for repair.
It was unanimously decided that the repair go ahead.
Clerks Report
SBDC have advised that no election will need to take place as only 8 applicants had stood for election to the Parish Council.
Parish AGM
Monday 8th May 2006, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern. All Welcome.
Next Council Meeting
Tuesday 9th May 2006, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.