Minutes from the January 2006 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 9th January 2006.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 9th January 2006

Summary of Minutes - Monday 9th January 2006

Chairman's Comments

Councillors have been invited to attend discussion on the Policing Budget for the next financial year.

SBDC - Proposed new alcohol free zones in The High Street were unanimously agreed.

The Parochial Church Council is to support the Youth Club with an annual provision of £500 towards Youth Workers salary.

Details of stair lift to be obtained for the Coffee Tavern in line with making the building more user friendly for disabled users.

Matters Arising

Poppy Appeal

It was noted that Mr & Mrs Stanley had won an award for top fundraisers in the area. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.

Coffee Tavern

Three more windows had been broken. Police aware of this and also of an attempted distraction burglary.

Public Meets the PC

After the recent successful meeting with Parishioners, all items brought up were discussed with the following comments:

  • Commercial Lorries have successfully been diverted away from the Village.
  • Options to reduce speeding are to be sought from the Road Safety Officers with help. from Neville Johnson the Community Police Liaison Officer.
  • Dirt bike track not viable at present.
  • Dialogue with owners who have overgrown hedges has been successful.
  • Having a locked gate at the Nurseries end of School lane Rec. would cause more problems than it would solve.
  • The Parish Council is proactive and has a 3 year financial plan in place.
  • Permission is to be sought for planting up grass triangle at the Rye junction.
  • Unanimous agreement for a budget for Christmas lights for 2006.

Another Public meets the PC is planned for the Spring.

Next Council Meeting

Monday 6th February 2006, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.