Minutes from the February 2006 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 6th February 2006.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 6th February 2006

Summary of Minutes - Monday 6th February 2006

Northall Road Fly Tipping

A group of Residents from the area attended the meeting to voice their concerns.

They felt that problems had escalated of late and that the District Council were not fulfilling their commitments. Several areas of the Road were no go areas for pedestrians due to what they felt was hazardous waste. It was suggested that more street lighting would be beneficial and possibly cameras installed to catch those who left the waste.

A representative from the District Council asked for more residents to contact them directly Tel 01582 474133

The Travellers Site area is dealt with by Beds C.C. County Councillor Piggottt was asked for his comments. He did not have any information with regard to monitoring and did not know when asked if there was additional funding allowed. He agreed to hold a meeting when Managers will be invited to address these issues. A more coordinated policy is needed with stiffer penalties for offenders.

Notice of this meeting will be displayed for any Parishioners wishing to attend.

Nigel Conroy Trading Standards

Nigel attended to advise the PC that he was a Special Constable assigned to the cold calling response team. If a call is made to them they will respond and escort cold callers from the area. The Councillors agreed unanimously to adopt this scheme in the Village. Details to be enclosed in Focus after liaison with John Plater.

Public meets the PC

The next Public meets the PC will be held on Saturday 8th April at the Coffee Tavern 10am �12 noon. Tea, coffee and hot cross buns will be served by the Councillors!


Enquiries have been made re: traffic calming measures and flashing 30 signs

Neville Johnson the Community Police Officer had carried out static speed checks with two cautions, he will repeat when time allows.

Concerned residents should telephone;
- Neville Johnson: 01582 473418 or 077 6817 771
- Or Josh Tonkin on 01582 473462

Planning Application The Comp

18 Residents attended to offer their reasons for objections to these plans.

The PC agreed with their comments and the following are some of the objections sent to SBDC

  • Single track road with no footpath
  • Inappropriate development in Green Belt land
  • Egress onto a dangerous junction
  • Used by School children

Next Council Meeting

Monday 6th March 2006, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.