Eaton Bray Parish Council
Minutes of 2nd April 2012
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 2nd April 2012.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 2nd April 2012
Summary of Minutes - Monday 2nd April 2012
Speed Limit Change
The new 20mph signs have now been fitted in School Lane, the Parish Council ask all residents to be aware of the new speed restrictions within this section of the parish.
Police Representative
The police wish to remind residents of the number of ways to contact them, to to air local concerns or give specific information. In an emergency always dial 999. In the event of a non-emergency please call using the new non-emergency number of 101. If you wish to contact by e-mail please go to the Bedfordshire Police website.
Central Beds Representative
Cllr Marion Mustoe wished to remind all about the proposed new local lettings policy for social housing. There is a proposal that social housing priority be given to local people before going outside of area. Cllr. Mustoe asked Parish Councillors and residents to go to the Central Bedfordshire Council�s website and view the local lettings section, where there is an on-line questionnaire obtaining people�s views on the proposals. The deadline for response/comments is the 9th May 2012. Please do take a look and complete the questionnaire.
Housing Needs Survey
From the recent questionnaires that were sent out to all residents within the parish, there was a 20% response and from that there was a 61% support towards some form of affordable housing, i.e. homes for single adults, properties for elderly, those wishing to downsize, those with disabilities. The Parish Council are to look at the findings in conjunction with a Neighbourhood Plan, looking at issues surrounding housing within the parish.
Village Carnival
The Parish Council wished to remind all residents of their presence at the St. Mary�s Village Carnival on Saturday 7th July 2012. Please do take the time to visit us.
Next Council Meeting
Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of Eaton Bray Parish Council:
Monday 14th May 2012, from 7.00pm, in the Coffee Tavern.
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.