Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 14th July 2008.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 14th July 2008
Summary of Minutes - Monday 14th July 2008
Public Open Forum
Concerns were again raised regarding the planning application for Dyers Road, Eaton Bray.
The Parish Council was informed that on the NATS Website ( there is to be an update relating to the proposed flight paths, available from 22nd July 2008.
Police Representative
PC Viv Dady confirmed the joint POLICE SURGERY with Thames Valley Police on Saturday 26th July 2008, 10:00am-12noon at Edlesborough Memorial Hall. PC Dady also informed the Parish Council of a monthly local police newsletter which can be obtained from their website:
The Village Post Office Closure
After confirmation that the village Post Office is targeted for closure, it was recommended that the Shop/Post Office put together an action group to deal with the petition and that the Parish Council would fully support them on this. It was suggested that residents should write individually to the Post Office, substantiating their reasons for the non-closure of the Post Office, to arrive NO LATER than 26th August 2008 – BY LETTER: National Consultation Team, Post Office Ltd, FREEPOST CONSULTATION TEAM or BY EMAIL: [email protected].
It was also important for people to attend the public consultations: 12:30-2:30 pm on Wednesday 23 July 2008 at Vandyke School Theatre, Vandyke Road, Leighton Buzzard and 5:30-7:30pm on Thursday 7 August 2008, South Bedfordshire District Council Offices, High Street North, Dunstable.
St Mary's Village Carnival Stand
The Parish Councillors would like to thank all those that came to have a chat at the Parish Council stand and that all points raised would be looked into.
BT Proposal To Remove Knights Close Public Payphone
The Clerk informed the Parish Council of the proposal to close the public payphone situated at Knights Close. The Parish Council have put forward their argument for the public phone to stay: an essential facility for the elderly in that area, many of the dwellings in close vicinity to this phone box, poor mobile phone coverage in the parish.
It was brought to the Parish Council’s attention the need for additional water butts in the allotments, thus giving easy access to water for all tenants. In addition, concerns were raised with regards to dogs being allowed on allotments and fouling tenants’ plots. In the allotment agreement it stipulates that dogs must be tied up on the owners plot at all times, this is not happening. It was agreed to remind all current tenants of the allotment rules on dogs.
The Clerk informed the Parish Council that the Traffic Management Team has no objection to the give way road markings in The Nurseries and an order has been issued for this work.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 1st September 2008, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.
The Clerk requests items for the next Agenda by Thursday 21st August 2008.
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.