Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 2nd April 2007.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 2nd April 2007
Summary of Minutes - Monday 2nd April 2007
At a recent meeting with Mrs. Hounslow, Head Teacher of Eaton Bray Lower School, it transpired that to move further ahead with the nursery project, the school needs confirmation of the Parish Council�s consent, in principle only at this stage, to the installation of a new gateway into the school premises from School Lane Rec.
The Council agreed unanimously to give consent in principle, with the provision that the installation of the gate must not cause any restrictions to the future use of the park.
An email has been received from the Tennis Club, reporting that work on the courts is due to be finished in June and inviting the Parish Council to the official opening which is to be celebrated with a �Play Day� for all villagers to come and �have a go�. Also requesting the PC to allow access to the park for a few vehicles on the day, and assuming responsibility for any damage to the grounds.
The clerk was asked to write thanking The Tennis Club for the invitation and giving the council�s consent to access to the park on the day.
It was unanimously agreed to accept the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of the 5th. March 2007 as a true and accurate record.
Police Representative
PC Dady addressed the meeting and reported seven minor crimes for March:
- 1 x attempted theft of motor vehicle
- 2 x criminal damage
- 4 x thefts from motor vehicles.
The Council told PC Dady that the main areas of concern in the village are:
- Strangers wandering around the village and onto private property.
- Speeding traffic.
- A youth has been seen hanging around the school, and damaging local trees.
- The apparent easy availability of drugs.
PC Dady gave contact details for the Safer Neighbourhood Team, it was suggested that an insert for Focus magazine could be produced to distribute this information so that residents know who to report anything suspicious to.
Bower Lane field
The GP committee have considered the application to rent this land, and advise the Council to reject the request.
Traffic calming
All the advice received has been to pursue the installation of Vehicle Activated Signs as the most suitable traffic calming measure, with the preferred sites being in the vicinity of the Methodist Chapel and at the bottom end of Bower Lane.
The next step is a meeting to consider different designs of VAS.
Planning Applications
The following planning applications were considered:
- SB-TP-07-0261: 8 Bower Close, Eaton Bray
Revised app. for installation of side dormer window and removal of balcony. - SB-TP-07-0238: New Clouds Farm, The Rye, Eaton Bray.
Agricultural straw storage barn.
The Council has no objections to either application.
Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th May 2007, 7.30pm in the Coffee Tavern.
Next Council Meeting
Wednesday 9th May 2007, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.