Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 5th February 2007.
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Summary of Minutes - Monday 5th February 2007
Public Forum
Six residents from the area around "Three Corners Green" presented their objections concerning the proposed erection of a flagpole on the green.
Cllr Gallagher summarised the results of the survey of residents� opinion that he had carried out in the relevant area at the council�s request, the overwhelming response was against the erection of a flagpole. The council considered that the views of a large proportion of those residents that would be affected had been represented, and it was decided to advise the St George�s Day Society that it would not be appropriate to erect the flagpole on the proposed site.
Chairman's Correspondence & Comments
A letter from Mrs. Hounslow, Head Teacher of Eaton Bray Lower School, outlining the process of preparing a School Travel Plan which will look at the issue of traffic congestion in the school area.
Cllr Crace agreed to attend occasional meetings at the school to assist with the process.
A second letter from Mrs. Hounslow, asking if the Coffee Tavern could be used as a safe place for the pupils in the event that the school was rendered unsafe by an emergency situation such as a fire.
The clerk was asked to write advising that this would be acceptable providing that it is acceptable to the Fire Safety Officer, and that the school insurance policy covered any additional risk.
District & County Representatives
Cllr Brian Piggott joined the meeting and gave a response to the council�s letter concerning the traveller site in Northall Road. It was acknowledged that this is an on-going problem. Cllr Piggott asked that the P.C. write to Beds. C.C., he will push for a positive response.
The clerk was asked to write to Beds C.C. asking for action, and a date for repairs to the site barrier.
PC Dady introduced herself to the council as the new Beat Manager for Leighton Buzzard - rural area, and stated the importance of reporting all concerns, however trivial they seem, so that a true picture can be built up and adequate responses can be established.
The Chairman assured PC Dady of the council�s support, and hoped for an effective dialogue.
GP Committee Report
Village Signpost
Detail of the proposed design of the signpost was presented to the council. The proposed arms for the post will cost approx. �650, this is in addition to the cost of �450 for the post. It is proposed to use the unspent monies from the Griffin Fund to cover the additional costs. The clerk was asked to obtain a quotation for the complete signpost, and to check the detail of the Griffin Fund.
Traffic management
Advice received is that vehicle activated signs would be the most effective measure available to the council. The G.P. committee will produce a detailed proposal regarding design and sites for the signs.
School Lane Recycling Bins
The Chairman has been in discussion with SBDC, and has been told that the metal recycling bins will be replaced with plastic bins.
The clerk reported a complaint from a resident who feels the noise is unacceptable in a residential area.
The council asked the clerk to check the condition of signs requesting users of the bins to be considerate, and to replace them as necessary.
The following applications were considered:
SB-TP-07-0045 7 The Gables, Green Lane
Single & two storey rear accommodation to existing dwelling. NO OBJECTIONS
SB-TP-07-0041 4 Icknield Way Farm Cottages, Tring Rd
Two storey side & single storey rear extension. NO OBJECTIONS
SB-TP-06-1465 6 Moor End Lane
Single storey rear extension & new double garage detached. NO OBJECTIONS
SB-TP-07-0068 22 High St
Change of use from single dwelling to two dwellings. Two storey rear extension & front porches.
NO OBJECTIONS but concern over lack of parking provision.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 5th March 2007, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.