Archived News - Appledown
Appledown Fun Dog Show - 10 May 2015
Appledown Rescue and Rehoming Kennels
Fun Dog Show, Sunday 10th May 2015 at Appledown
12 Classes, Tea Tent, Prize Draw, Amazing Stalls, Display by L.O.R.C., Fun Scurry, Dogs' Goodies
A great day out! Fun for all the family!
Showground opens at 11am. Classes commence 12 noon
Judge - Lynne Davies
Enter on the day - £1.50 per class
Appledown Rescue - Donate Now
On Saturday (6th December), a car accidentally crashed into Appledown Rescue and Rehoming Kennels in Eaton Bray.
The car drove through the big security gates and into the back of the stable block when the accelerator was hit instead of the brakes and unfortunately Appledown also lost one of their own dogs (an ex rescue) in the accident.
For more about Appledown Rescue and Rehoming Kennels, please see their Facebook group.
Update: From Kate Tuck:
How can you help? Here's how!
- Next time you shop at Amazon, choose something from the Appledown Rescue Wish List
- Register at and at no cost to yourself, automatically donate money through the retailers you use when you shop online. Registration takes one minute and requires virtually no personal details
- Make a donation at 100% of donations made through this site go to the kennels.
- Remember Appledown Rescue in your will.
- Sponsor a kennel for a minimum monthly donation of £10 payable through standing order.
- For 50p, add a dog's dinner to your bill at Pets At Home (Dunstable) 1st - 24th December
- Throw your green token into the Appledown Rescue Community Matters box at Waitrose (Leighton Buzzard) throughout January.
- Come along to any of our events that will take place through 2015
- Contact us with details of any charity giving schemes that we might be able to join, or local events that we may be able to come along to
- And look out for the Appledown Rescue Christmas Appeal coming soon.
Thank you.
Appledown Rescue - Sponsored Walk
Appledown Rescue and Re-homing Kennels - Sponsored Walk, Sunday 22nd April 2012, Choice of 3 or 5 mile routes
Register at Appledown between 10 – 12 noon. DOGS WELCOME!
For a sponsorship form please call 01525 220383 or e-mail:
Appledown Rescue & Re-homing Kennels, Harling Road, Eaton Bray, Beds LU6 1QY
Registered Charity Number 1116848
Meet an expert TV Dog Trainer
Expert dog trainer Lynne Davies will be making a personal appearance at Totternhoe Memorial Hall on Tuesday 2nd December.
Lynne Davies, one of the human stars of BBC Three's Dog Borstal, will be helping to raise money for the Appledown Boarding Kennels in Eaton Bray.
One of the many canine concerns Lynne is asked for help with is sheep worrying, and she has been talking to a sheep farmer with a view to helping more dog owners with this problem.
Advance tickets are available by telephoning 01582 601987, or to find out about the work that Lynne does, see her website
Appledown Boarding Kennels & Cattery
Appledown, run by Julie Shelton, was established in 1993 and is located in Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire.
The accommodation kennels were completely rebuilt in 2001/02 and in line with current standards, all the dog kennels and cat pens are individually heated and large enough to house a minimum of 2 pets.
Julie and her dedicated team of animal lovers take care of a variety of pets for long or short stays. They also offer additional services such as animal care advice, animal rehabilitation, rehoming services to name but a few. They have been involved in re-homing dogs for the last 6 years and have successfully re-homed between 400 and 500 dogs and are recognised within this field.
Appledown additionally takes in stray dogs on behalf of South Bedfordshire District Council, so they are the first point of contact if you have lost your pet within this area.
With so many animals to take care of, Julie is happy to welcome another pair of hands. So, if you've every fancied walking a dog, please drop by the Appledown Kennels. Providing you provide adequate proof if identity, you will be able to take a dog for a walk around the local area, just contact Julie for more information. Telephone 01525 220383.
Appledown Kennels will be running this year's Dog Show at the Carnival.
Paws for thought when buying a dog
As thoughts turn to warmer weather and evening strolls, you may be considering the patter of tiny puppy feet - but don't be taken for a ride when it comes to picking a pooch.
Julie Shelton from Appledown Kennels in Eaton Bray warns dog lovers to take extra caution when buying for the first time.
She said: "Definitely don't buy one on the Internet. If you're looking to buy a dog then really the only sensible way to do it is to go to a rescue centre or to go to a recognised breeder.
Appledown kennels are open seven days a week from 10am - 4pm.
Stray Dogs New Rules
From 6th April, Mid Beds District Council will be responsible for accepting stray dogs found by members of the public.
New rules mean the Police no longer have responsibility for accepting stray dogs but they will continue to be responsible for dealing with dangerous dogs.
Anyone reporting a stray dog can continue to call Mid Beds on 01462 611222 (or 08452 30 40 40) during normal office hours and our Dog Warden will collect it as soon as she can.
In addition, Mid Beds now provide an out-of-hours service, meaning that anyone holding a stray dog can call us on 07850 032360 from 5.00pm to 10.30pm Monday to Friday and from 8.00am to 10.30pm on weekends and Bank Holidays.
The Dog Warden will only collect a stray dog held at a specific address out of hours - we cannot offer to search an area.
All dogs found straying are taken to Appledown Kennels in Eaton Bray near Dunstable. Owners can arrange to collect their dogs from the kennels and will be asked to prove their identity and to pay a fee of £35.00 plus a kennelling charge of £8.00 per night.
People in receipt of means tested benefit will be required to pay £25.00 plus any kennelling charge above the first £8.00. Payment can be made by cash or cheque direct to the kennels - debit and credit cards are not accepted.
Steve Whittaker, Contract Services Manager at Mid Beds said: "Dog owners must take full responsibility and ensure that their dogs do not get out and stray. This would save them not only a trip to the kennels and kennel charges but also a lot of worry. We would strongly recommend that dogs are micro-chipped so that time can be saved in tracing owners and the costs to the owners of kenneling are reduced."
Source: Mid Beds District Council
Blaze-hit kennels hoping to rebuild
A boarding kennel in Eaton Bray is ready to rise from the ashes again after a devastating fire that struck last summer.
Appledown Kennels, in Harling Road, hit the headlines in August when an early morning blaze broke out in a boarding block and prompted a huge rescue operation.
Nearly 40 dogs were pulled to safety by brave firefighters and staff, but sadly three pets perished after being overcome by flames.
Since then the past six months have been a struggle for everyone working at the kennels, and they now hope to put the sorry incident behind them.
A planning application has been put forward by the kennels to open a new block to replace the building devastated by the blaze.
This week, Appledown owner Julie Shelton told the Gazette: "Hopefully, if this goes through smoothly, we'll be back to normal by the summer."
As a result of the blaze, Julie said the kennel's capacity had been seriously reduced, and staff have had to work hard to steer the business through a difficult time.
She said: "It's hit us, obviously, particularly over Christmas and the really busy periods.
"What we've done is said our priority is to our regular customers, so we haven't had to turn them away."
And Julie said she had been bowled over by the response from members of the public.
"It's just brilliant, people have been great," she said. "It's one of those things that people understand, fires do seem to just happen.
"You can't predict it, but it brings out the best in people, and they've been sympathetic and understanding."
She also praised her staff who, she said, were devastated by the blaze.
A fire investigation absolved the kennel of any blame for the fire, and police confirmed at the time that it was not viewed as suspicious.
Julie now hopes that the building work can bring back a sense of normality to the kennels.
She said an end wall needs to be replaced, and work needs to be done on the roof of the building, but, surprisingly, the rest of the boarding house is still structurally sound.
After the flames were quelled back in August, firefighters said they had never had to deal with so many animals in one fire.
Four dogs were unconscious when firefighters arrived, but two were dramatically revived using oxygen masks.
Appledown offers boarding kennels for pets whose owners are on holiday, as well as a home for dogs in need of rehousing.
Over the past year, the number of dogs in need of a new home has shot up dramatically, and another boarding house was recently set aside for them.
Julie said: "This last 12 months has been much, much worse than the other previous years.
"I think it's partly because of people being nervous about a recession. I think we've got some of that. Also there's been a lot of dog attacks in the news. I think that's had an effect."
The kennel owner added that many people buy pets without thinking about the amount of work and care they require, and often end up abandoning them.
At the moment Appledown has 55 dogs hoping to find new homes. Julie said that all sorts of breeds find their way to the kennels and urged anyone who thinks they can provide a home for a dog to get in touch.
The kennel can be contacted on 01525 220383, or by emailing Alternatively, people interested in finding out more can pop by between 10am and 4pm each day.
For the latest news from Eaton Bray and beyond, get the Dunstable Gazette every Wednesday and make a daily date with Dunstable Today.
Source: Dunstable Gazette, 27 February 2008
Family are so grateful that Cookie's alive after blaze
Meet Cookie, a young border collie whose tail's finally wagging again after a terrible ordeal.
Cookie was one of the dogs caught up in the horrific blaze at Appledown Kennels at Eaton Bray last Wednesday, which claimed the lives of three pets.
He was staying there while his owners holidayed in Spain, and it was his boarding block that caught fire in the early hours of the morning.
Firefighters rescued him from his pen, and he was dramatically revived using an oxygen mask.
Staff and volunteers still feared Cookie wouldn't make it, but the young dog, who celebrated his second birthday last week, showed his resilience.
His owner, Sandra Dear of Mill End Close, Eaton Bray, said it has been "an emotional rollercoaster" and stressed how grateful she was to everyone who aided Cookie's miraculous recovery.
"He doesn't seem traumatised by it at all, he's amazing," she said.
"I want to say a big thank you to all the people involved."
Sandra and her family went straight to the kennels after touching down at Gatwick airport, and they were shocked to learn about the fire.
"My boys were absolutely gutted when they heard the news," she said.
"They'd phoned my dad but he didn't want to phone me with the bad news while I was on holiday."
Panic turned into relief when they found out that Cookie was alive, but vets still feared that he was going to lose his sight.
Thankfully that didn't turn out to be the case, and the young canine's now being treated with eye-drops to help him recover fully.
Cookie was treated at the Julia M. Boness Veterinary Hospital in Barton Le Clay, where staff sat with him 24 hours a day until he'd recovered.
Even after the trauma of the past few days, Sandra said she wouldn't think twice about taking Cookie back to Appledown.
Julie Shelton, who owns the Harling Road kennels, said: "It's so great because everyone thought he hadn't made it. It's fantastic news."
Julie was on holiday when she heard about the blaze, and she jumped straight on a plane home, leaving her family behind in Canada.
She said that staff at the kennels were devastated that three dogs had died in the blaze, which has been put down to a freak accident.
A German shepherd and a rottweiler died at the scene, and experts were unable to save a labrador, which died later.
The kennel owner said: "It was an awful thing to happen, it's really traumatic."
But she added that she'd been touched by the response the kennels have had from the local community, where lots of people have pitched in to lend a hand.
"It's been heart-warming that people have come in and helped us, it's unbelievable," she said.
"Still we're having phone calls. The majority of people are asking what we need. It's out of this world."
Ms Shelton said her staff had done a superb job and was full of praise for Kim Hutchinson and manager Stephanie Flisher for their reaction to the crisis.
"The fire services were amazing. We're just trying to find out how to thank them - they need to know how wonderful we think they are," she said.
Appledown is continuing to honour existing bookings, and Ms Shelton said that dog owners have been very understanding.
The kennels have been absolved of any blame by fire investigators, and the fire isn't being viewed as suspicious.
Source: Dave Burke, Leighton Buzzard Observer, 14 August 2007
Hound Heroes
A German Shepherd and a Rottweiler died as a result of the fire at Appledown Kennels in Harling Road, but many more animals were carried to safety, thanks to a huge rescue operation.
The blaze broke out in a boarding block, which was housing around 40 pets while their owners were away on holiday. Sixty other dogs in different buildings were unaffected by the drama.
Kennel staff have been praised for their quick response to the fire, and a number of volunteers pitched in to lend a hand.
Among them was a driver heading home from work, who helped firefighters and staff get the pets to safety.
Fire crews were able to quell the blaze, which broke out at around lam yesterday, and move around 40 dogs to safety.
Four of them were unconscious, and two of them were dramatically revived using oxygen packs.
But sadly two pets died as a result of the flames.
Group Commander Ade Feben, who led the fire service operation, said: "I thought we were going to get 10 to 15 dogs killed when we got there.
"I honestly didn't think we'd get away with just two."
He was full of praise for his firefighters, who went into the burning building to rescue the dogs from their pens.
"They did really well, it was incredibly hard work but they did it really well," Mr Feben said.
The fire chief added that most dogs were very quiet and restrained as they were being rescued, but quickly perked up when they were outside.
He said: "They were all scared, but in all fairness they were fairly overcome by the smoke and that's what made them docile until we got them out.
"In all my time I haven't dealt with so many animals in one fire."
Mr Feben also said that kennel staff did a great job under intense pressure.
There were two staff members on the site when the fire broke out, and they alerted the fire service.
As the Herald&Post went to press, investigations seemed to indicate that an electrical fault was the most likely cause of the blaze.
A police spokesman yesterday confirmed that it wasn't being treated as suspicious.
The kennel's owner, Julie Shelton, was on holiday in Canada when it happened, but she jumped on a plane as soon as she heard the bad news.
Her mum, Pam Perry, said the response from volunteers was overwhelming.
She said: "It's horrific, but everyone's been brilliant.
"It just goes to show what a good place this is, the fact that so many people came to help."
The RSPCA were called in to check the animals were safe.
Yesterday an RSPCA spokeswoman said that kennel staff had done a "sterling job", and said: "We were very pleased to be there and to be able to help the animals that we did."
Owners with pets at the kennel were being contacted yesterday, and all animals were checked by a vet before leaving.
Source: Dave Burke, Herald & Post, 2 August 2007
Charlie has found an ideal home
Only two weeks ago, we ran a story about pooches at an Eaton Bray kennels in search of new owners.
We featured four hounds at Appledown Kennels but there were many more looking for a place to settle.
One of the most popular dogs was Charlie, pictured, a five-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, who had a pretty bad start in life as a stuf dog on a puppy farm in Ireland.
Charlie, deaf and with one of his eyes in need of permanent medication, was taken by a dog lover who could be with him all day.
Appledown owner Julie Shelton said: "The lady had looked after special needs children so she was absolutely fine with him and just loves him.
"We had a lot of people phone about Charlie. We had about seven or eight good homes come forward for him but this one was just perfect for his needs and it's working out well."
And two other dogs, not featured in the newspaper, were also given a new start by readers who visited the kennels after reading about the needy pets.
There is a constant flow of discarded dogs coming into the site and as many as 40 are still looking for someone to provide them with a fresh beginning and a loving home.
Anyone interested in providing a dog with a new home should call Appledown Kennels, Harling Road, Eaton Bray, on 01525 220383.
Source: Andy Gayler, Dunstable Gazette, 14 March 2007
Make it a happy dogs life
The discarded pooches are all being kept at Appledown Kennels while new owners are found and bosses there are hoping readers will be willing to help.
They are asking people to take a look at these lovable hounds and consider making one of them a member of their family.
But it's not just the four mutts in need of a new start, there is a constant flow of dogs coming through the kennels with the fashionable Staffs topping the list of over-bred and notneeded pets.
The dogs appealing to readers this week are - Dylan, Bexley, Charlie and Dandy.
Anyone interested in providing one with a new home should call Appledown Kennels, Harling Road, Eaton Bray, on 01525 220383.
Dandy is one of a number Staffordshire bull terrier crosses at Appledown. He was a stray about to be put to sleep and is about two years old. Kennel boss Julie says he wonderful with other dogs. "His temperament is great and he appears to be clean:' she says. "Dandy will chew his own legs if he gets bored, so he needs to be with someone who is at home for most of the day."
Dylan is a three- or four-year-old castrated cross-breed. Appledown boss Julie Shelton says he is one of a few very large crossbreeds they have and he is very good natured and very clean in his kennel. "He is tolerant of other dogs, but would be better living alone;" says Julie "He spends much of his day in bed, but he loves a good walk."
Charlie, a five-year old Cavalier King Charles spaniel, is said to have a wonderful temperament. He was a stud dog on a puppy farm in Ireland so had a pretty bad start in life. Deaf and with one of his eyes in need of permanent medication, he is nevertheless said to be "a very happy little dog".
Bexley is a 10-month-old labrador cross saved from "death row". He is a happy, lively medium-sized dog who loves everyone and everything and is very responsive to training and travels well. "Bexley would make a great family pet, but we expect he would chew until he grows up a bit;' the kennel owner says.
Source: Andy Gayler, Dunstable Gazette, 28 February 2007
Make mine a Stella ... or a Trudy, Polly or Larry!
These dogs are hoping to start the New Year with a new home so they can enjoy a safe and secure future.
Newly registered charity Appledown Rescue, based in Eaton Bray, is searching for owners for the quartet - but you'll need to have a secure garden and a well kept house.
All potential owners will be house-checked before taking on a dog. In addition, families with children below the age of seven will only be homed a puppy.
The dogs - Trudy, Larry, Polly and Stella - have been especially put forward for homing by Appledown and range from young to old.
Trudy is an 11-year old Border Colle bitch and is with the home due to the sad death of her owner. Trudy has a lovely temperament and would live peacefully with other dogs, male and female. She is looking for a loving home to see out her last few years in comfort.
Larry is one of several Jack Russell Terriers at the home at the moment. Larry is a two-year-old male and loves people but has not lived in a house before so he would need to be house trained.
Appledown always has a variety of cross-breeds looking for homes.
Polly is one of many Staffordshire Bull Terriers with the rescue home. She was a stray so comes with little history but is believed to be about five years old. Polly is very affectionate and looking for a home where she is the only pet.
Stella is about 18 months old and is believed to be a Mastiff cross. She is very playful and gets on with other dogs, but would need some training. The home will not unite her with a family with children, though, as they cannot be sure that she would be protective of a house.
Anyone interested in taking one of the animals should call Julie Shelton on 01525 220282.
Source: Robert Nash, Herald & Post, 4 January 2007