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June 5, 2012 by Val Callaghan in forum Genealogy / History

#1236 Val Callaghan, 5 June 2012, 10:28

Here's hoping that the lady my mum and auntie met a few days ago in Eaton Bray is the same lady that wrote the article on Doolittle Mill and can give me some info on the Buckmaster/Linney connection.
I am a descendant of the Buckmasters and I am doing my family tree. I cannot fathom out where the Linney name fits into the equation. Nothing has come up on any of my record searches. There is plenty of information on about the Buckmasters in general but nothing about the Linney connection. My Great Grandmother was Rachael George who married Horace Ezra George Buckmaster. I vaguely remember visiting the mill when I was a child but I cannot remember who lived there at that time which would have been in the early 60's. I seem to remember maybe three old great aunties? My other Buckmaster ancestors mainly lived in and around Totternhoe which I seem to remember as a lovely spot.

#3453 David Kemp, 8 October 2016, 16:27

Val Callaghan
You raised a query about the Buckmasters. I have an original document dated 23 April  1829 which refers to Christopher Buckmaster of Doo Little Mill. This is a bond signed by Edward Fryer.
I am researching this and other documents.
If you are interested send me an email and we will make further contact

David Kemp

#3530 Agnes Josephine Knight, 12 May 2018, 23:37

I am a grand daughter of Rachael Ann Buckmaster.  In answer to the Linney connection if you are still interested. There were four great aunts who lived at Doolittle Mill. The youngest, Evelyn married George Linney and they had one son named John Buckmaster Linney, now deceased.  How did we come to have the same grand mother or in your case great? I thought I knew all the relations. Would be interested to hear from you

#3651 Sue Shiels, 9 February 2021, 11:48

Re Buckmaster/Linney connection. My great great grandmother was Edith Annie Buckmaster, sister of Horace George Ezra. She married Henry Brown,a farmer from Dunstable & they had 7 children. One of their daughters, Edith Evelyn, at a very young age went to live with her 3 unmarried aunts at Doolittle Mill, Totternhoe. She is recorded there in the 1901 census aged 1-2 years (not aged 10 as stated.  It was Edith Evelyn who married George Linney. They had a son John who inherited the Mill.  I should be interested to know how far back you have traced the Buckmaster family tree. Sue Shiels

#3677 JackCostin, 9 February 2022, 16:21

In 1539 Richard Buckmaster of Eaton Bray appears in a Deposition of a Chancery Suit. Richard Buckmaster held a mill at Totternhoe in 1610, and it continued in the family from that time. Thomas Buckmaster recorded as a miller there in 1791. Christopher Buckmaster was a miller there with freehold in 1820 and at least until 1830.
The descendants of this family, represented by three grand-daughters of John Buckmaster, who was a son of a Christopher Buckmaster, remain the owners at the present day.
An Alfred Buckmaster owned Beaudesert windmill at Leighton [Buzzard]; and Miss. S. Buckmaster, the present owner of Stanbridge Mill, is also a relative.
Bucks Archives and Beds Archives have quite a lot of Wills related to members of the Buckmaster family dating back as far as the1540s.
One refer to the Buckmasters as holding the Manor of Totternhoe around 1590 to 1623 but not sure which Manor as apparently there was more than one?

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